My Uncle Morrice Dean

My Uncle Morrice Dean - we always say the Dean - was 10 years old when mama and daddy married. He was 11 when I was born and still young enough to get a kick out of pushing a giggling toddler around and around the house in a plain ole' cardboard box. Mama was only 16 when she married and left Oklahoma City and made her home with my daddy in Arkansas. Although she was welcomed by her new family, she was frequently homesick and would send for her baby brother to stay a few weeks with her. Clockwise from the top: Tallest is My Uncle Bob, My Grandpa, My Uncle Toby, My Mama Virginia, My Uncle Morrice Dean, My Grandma, My Uncle Ted. Morrice Dean was pretty much informally adopted by daddy's family and was a frequent visitor at the Middleton family home. He and Uncle Paul became great friends. He is most remembered by his always present glasses, wide smile, and free and easy disposition. Mama, Morrice and Paul (Paul says Mama's knees in his back really hurt) With ...