I have a guest blogger tonight. My oldest granddaughter has had horses since way before she should have. I cannot remember for sure how old she was when she wrote the following horse story. But first, a picture of her taken about a year ago on her favorite horse Jackie.

Mother and baby

Once there was a mother and a baby

Who had no dad so she just had a mother

There was a boy horse near by.

Who had a baby with him.

The mother asked if he would be her wife.
(a little gender identification problem)

Not sure if this is the baby or mother.

So she has a new father

The End


  1. Awwww, this was just priceless sweetie!

    God bless and have a delightful weekend sweetie!!! :o)

  2. How cute! That's a great photo of your granddaughter and Jackie!

  3. Haha, I bet that brought back some great memories from when she was younger! Great picture, too.

  4. Just priceless! Thanks for sharing. She was so brave to draw so many horses. They are hard to draw!

  5. That's a precious collection of drawings and I love the story. :)

  6. Your granddaughter looks like she was born to be on the back of a horse! Those drawing are precious, too! Thanks for visiting me and leaving your kind comments. Have a happy Thanksgiving!


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