
Finally a picture where my bangs are a normal length. Freda's are just about right too. I think Mama quit whacking on my bangs when Freda came along. Mama kept Freda's hair in a pixie cut.

I usually wore my hair longer and pulled back in a ponytail. I remember Aunt Dorcas was visiting when I asked Mama for a wide barrette so I could pull my hair back like Susie Jones did hers. They both started in with, "Back in our day, we did good to have bobby pins."  Good Grief! I never did get that barrette!

Mama gave me a lot of Tonette perms when I was a kid. They usually came right out. Hubby always asks why they call it a permanent when it only stays temporarily. He hates the smell of me when I get a perm.

My sister's hair always took a permanent too well. I wonder why Mama always gave Freda a perm right before picture day? She looked cute but her hair sure was curly. I will not post a picture.

I guess I don't have much room to talk about home hairdos. After getting my daughter's hair cut once, she told me the beautician had said I should leave her hair alone. Her hair used to stick straight up in the air like we lived in some freaky static electricity zone. I won't post a picture of her's either. She has pretty hair now.

I pin curled my grand daughter's hair Saturday night thinking it would look like Rita Hayworth's hair.

It did not look like Rita's. 

It looked like Little Orphan Annie's hair. In fact, Rachel broke out in a tap dance that could have been from a Broadway Show. It was so funny.

She pulled it back in a ponytail. This is how she usually wears it.

I sent a little comb to school with my son on kindergarten picture day and told him to be sure to comb his hair. He did.

This is my all time favorite picture of him.


  1. Such precious pictures! My hair is naturally curly and was HUGE in all my childhood pics. My sister used to get perms in her hair and she says she looked like George Washington in her school pics!!!

  2. Oh my that is funny. It reminds me of when I decided to get a perm one time and I ended up with Rosanne Rosanna-Dana hair, scary.

  3. oh, your son's photo is too cute!!! :) we all have our photos that will never be seen in public...

  4. Oh your son is too cute in that photo..he did comb his hair! I used to help at picture day at the school and hand out combs. Your Granddaughter is so pretty! :)

  5. You have me and my husband laughing! Your poor granddaughter and son... too funny though.

    Your hair-stories about your youth sound like mine, only I was more like your sister. Mom was always having my hair cut pixie style, and it was already curly hair that she would perm, leaving me looking like the juvenile version of old ladies' cut & perms.

    Hair, one of the more painful parts(pun intended)of my youth.

  6. You have me giggling again. Ya - and what was it with chopped off bangs? My mom used to cut my sisters bangs even shorter than mine. When I would look on in shock and start to say something, she would take me aside and quietly tell me that girls with glasses needed their bangs shorter than those without. Boy was I glad I didn't wear glasses!!

    1. Well...I am comforted knowing we all have our own "bad hair day" tales. A rite of passage perhaps?

  7. Oh, this one has me laughing...I needed this earlier in the day!


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