Grade School Memories

Well, I thought it was time to tell how I ended up married for nigh on forty two years without ever getting a proposal. Hubby and I should have or could have met in the seventh grade when he went to Clarksville School for part of the year. I do not remember him. He does not remember me. He does remember the "Candyman's" daughter though. And no, not the Sammy Davis, Jr. "Candyman". Diane's dad was the very nice gentleman that delivered candy to the stores in town.

I remember Diane as well. She is the girl I cheated off on a test in the third grade. She was wearing a red cardigan. I remember it raining outside while I tried to recall the four seasons. I remember it was Michie School. I do not remember the teacher's name.

We must have moved during the school year because I had Miss Misenhiemer as a teacher in third grade too. I liked her. Daddy said she was one of his teachers when he was in high school. I wonder if she bought that old black car new? I remember seeing her drive it around town after I was grown. If anyone remembers the make and model, I would like to know.

I won third place in a coloring contest in third grade. There must not have been many that entered because I remember scribbling one whole page. The contest was on safety and a policeman presented the certificate. I have thought about putting that on my resume. Not everyone can say they won a coloring contest.

My little Sierra inherited my coloring talents. I have this picture on my wall at work.

The auditorium at Hurie was upstairs. I remember the wooden folding chairs that we sat in for plays or programs. I wonder if Buster had to set them up? I remember a fire drill after we moved to the basement in fourth grade that someone said was because Buster had set some papers on fire in a trash can. I suppose it was to simulate a real fire event.

It was after we moved downstairs that Mrs. Polly made me stand in the hall outside the door because I groaned when she said it was time for geography. Miss Kraus came by and shamed me with a "tsk tsk".

And then we had that really pretty teacher in fifth grade............

Well, I guess I'll have to tell about the non-proposal some other time.

***Disclaimer: Diane did not let me to copy off her paper***


  1. Fun memories and I love Sierra's coloring page!

  2. It's funny the things we remember! Sierra's coloring skills are terrific.

  3. I enjoyed this very much. Boy do I remember elementary school! I remember Mrs. Higgins and Miss Bartlett in third and fourth grade. I remember never feeling like I "fit in." I remember walking to and from school for several blocks even in the snow and not wearing gloves and my hands being extremely painful when I finally arrived in the warm school or house. I have no idea why I wouldn't wear gloves! I remember loving being in chorus, and then becoming upset because I wasn't chosen to play Mary in the school Christmas pageant. Ahhh, childhood! :-)

  4. Sounds like you were a very interesting little girl, and so talented, after all ,you won a coloring contest!

  5. In first grade, I colored a picture of a robin that we'd been given in rainbow colors. When I took it home, my mom was mortified that I didn't use the "right" colors. I think she was afraid her child was too stupid to know what colors robins are. I knew, I just wanted to jazz it up.

  6. Oh, I love your posts like this...


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