Konstance's Birthday Party

My son and his daughters

We had our second grandaughter's birthday party at the Knoxville park today. Konstance is our "little lady" grandchild and is always pleasant, agreeable, and well-mannered. As she was so long awaited the nursing staff cheered as her Mom and Dad left the hospital. She loved to wear hats and sat with her legs crossed even as a baby. She is loved by all and our blessing from God.

Her Nana had a major "senior moment" today when she forgot to put her birthday money in the birthday card. Don't you hate it when there is no way to hide it?


  1. Happy Birthday to her - she's beautiful!

  2. How funny. Especially when you know they open the card expecting to see it there : )

  3. Happy Birthday to your lovely granddaughter!

  4. Happy Birthday to Konstance! Such a classy name!
    If you forgot to put the money in the card you should double up the amount..that way you might not forget again:)

  5. Oh..Happy Easter tomorrow! I loved your old photo of you and your Grandma in one of the previous posts:)

  6. I've been known to send a card without signing it...don't know which is worse...forgetting the money or forgetting to tell them who it is from. LOL

  7. She was God sent. Sweet little girl.


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