An Afternoon Visitor

Okay my people, I must apologize again. This past week has been so busy but as the weekend winds down I am trying to catch up. I know I have surely missed some interesting posts.

We had an afternoon visitor yesterday. This little fawn just came ambling through the back yard. No sign of Mama. (excuse the brown grass - we are at a loss for ideas to save it)

There he goes back into the woods. I hope his Mama is in there somewhere.


  1. oh my goodness! a tiny one to be off on its own! hope mama was just inside the woodline.

  2. Such a special sighting! We rarely see one this small; considering how many big ones we see.

  3. Such a sweet little thing. Hope mama was nearby.

  4. Oh, so sweet. Often momma will leave a young one sleeping in the grass to go off to feed nearby. Perhaps this little character didn't want to wait for her return. :\

  5. Isn't he lovely! What an adorable surprise visitor.

  6. Mama is probably nearby. There's a doe that comes to rest in the long grass around our goat pens. We're pretty sure she has a fawn or two hidden away and that she'll bring them down when she's ready.

  7. Awww. Just like you, my mind would have been working on how I could help. I do so hope it is alright. So cute!

  8. It is so beautiful..I wonder where its mother was? Close by I hope. Babies of anything are heart touching in their loveliness.

  9. Oh my gosh, how beautiful!!! You were so lucky to have him come by. I do hope his Mama was close though. Animal babies are so sweet!


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