A Letter To Friends

Well people, I have been without a computer for days. Computer is okay but no modem. I refuse to buy one when I pay so much monthly for Internet service anyway.

While I have been waiting, I sorted my 3K photos into folders and also cataloged all my documents. Then I put them all on a memory stick...just in case.

We got some rain with cooler temps and burn bans were lifted. Our kids have started back to school. My niece starts college classes today. She is excited and I am nervous.

My son hung my mermaid lady in my bedroom. I can open the curtains and let her gaze out toward the river.

I'll try to attach picture from my phone.

Hope all is well with my friends. Will try to catch up with your news weekend.




  1. How beautiful your mermaid is.

    Too bad about the modem..what are you planning to do?

    Enjoy this day...
    Smiles :)

  2. so very glad you've gotten some rains!!! awesome! good luck with the modem stuff!

  3. Such a gorgeous peaceful view out the window! Hope your computer problems are solved soon.

  4. The mermaid has a beautiful view. Hope your modem gets fixed soon.

  5. Thanks for your great comments on my blog...so sorry you are having trouble with your computer!!!! We can't live without them working properly that's for sure! :-) And for those of us who love history and earlier simpler times, that's kind've ironic, isn't it? Oh well, hope things get back to normal for you soon. Your mermaid sure does have a wonderful view!

  6. Now that has to be one of the most unique pictures I have ever seen. One just has to stop and stare at it awhile. Nice of you to place her where she can see the water : )

  7. Sorry about your modem. I've missed you and just stopped by to say "hi." Your mermaid is very pretty and so is "her" view!

  8. Your mermaid is beautiful.. These computers cost the earth don't they.This laptop of mine was dropped by Ray and has a crack in it. So far its still working and I hope it stays like that. Much love sent. xx

  9. You must be waiting for your provider to set you up with a new one..hope it all is resolved soon..your mermaid is lovely:)


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