Whoever Heard of Hickeytown?

Although I spent a big part of my childhood at my grandparents' farm, I was actually a city girl. Mom and Dad always rented houses in town where the streets were paved and well lit. It was a safe and friendly town where children walked back and forth to school. Mama walked me to Michie School my first day of second grade and I walked alone afterwards. I cannot imagine allowing a seven year old out of the yard nowadays. It was a different world then. This is a picture of my second grade classmates at Michie School. I am sure Mama would have dressed me in a cute little dress if I had told her that pictures were being made that day. I remember Toni reassuring me Danny would stand in front of me and hide my shorts but I guess we forgot to tell him. Look how cute Scotty is in the second row. And look how sweet and cheerful Toni is. We have lost both of them now. These, and the ones I made at Hurie School, were ...