Family Treasures

After only seven short years, our new house no longer has the minimalist decor I swore it would always have. Although I fully intend to have garage sales this summer to clear out the clutter, some things I will always keep. The saying is, "I wouldn't take a million dollars for it." That is how I feel about this small handmade table I believe my grandpa made. As I am now an orphan with only younger siblings, I have no way to authenticate this sweet table's history. But just in case, it is not for sale. Table Made by Grandpa G Although this pretty print in an original frame is not the same one Grandma had at the farm, it is still precious to me. I must have been seven or eight years old when Grandma gently explained the meaning of the picture. She said Jesus sent an angel to watch over the two children as they crossed the broken bridge. I think she wanted me to also notice how the older sister was helping her little brother in hopes I would be kinder t...