Aunt Maggie's Platter

My Aunt Lizzy gave me something very special tonight. Thank you again Auntie.

See the platter on the end. It is a platter that belonged to my Great Aunt Maggie. She was my Grandpa's sister. I remember her having long plaited hair she coiled along the top of her head. I remember her soft spoken and very kind. Her chihuahua Princess Kay was called PK for short. Her husband's name was George. He was called Rip. I remember him as a big man with a big laugh.
I really like this piece. Somehow I ended up with the rest of Aunt Maggie's dishes after Grandma passed away. 
These were obviously Aunt Maggie's everyday dishes as they are quite worn. They were in a box when I got them. I do not remember Grandma using  them. As much as I love them, if Aunt Maggie's boys want them, I will be glad to let them have them.
I have them in my OKC Grandma's china cabinet in my foyer. Beside it is a little side table my OKC Grandpa made. I have my Grandma's wire rimmed glasses setting on the books and beside the books is a bell like Grandma rang when Sunday School classes were over.

I am blessed.


  1. You are, indeed, blessed. It's quite a special thing to be the custodian of items from the family's past. I have quite a few treasures that wee not wanted years ago, but I knew that nieces and nephews might appreciate them, if my generation did not. I'm now giving the treasures away as this new generation indicates an interest.

  2. Seems like I remember the dishes on grandmas buffet table. Either that I remember seeing them somewhere. Looks nice

  3. That is very nice! I love the jadite dishes too! ~ Barbara

  4. i love that you have all of these family heirlooms.

  5. A piece that was used by a loved one is so much more precious. That is a lovely platter.


  6. You have many good spirits blessing your house.

  7. Awww, what sweet dishes. I can see why you treasure those family heirlooms.

  8. What a wonderful and heartfelt gesture!!
    You are blessed!!

    Love that you are keeping the china hutch in the foyer, along with your grandpa's table and your grandma's glasses and bell.

    You must smile dozens of smiles each day, as you walk by and see those precious treasures.

  9. Possessions like that from loved ones are priceless.
    The plate is lovely. My mother had many such as that. I only have a couple but I treasure them. Mum always served a hot cup of tea with something nice she'd made fresh from the oven. It might be a date roll sliced with butter on top or scones with jam.. wonderful memories.

  10. The green platter you have with your g.aunt's platter is like one I have. It used to be my parents. My mom served a lot of fried chicken on it. Smiles, Susie(She Junks)

  11. Absolutely LOVE the platter and the dishes! And you have your grandmother's china cabinet too...well, you are indeed blessed! I enjoy seeing your treasures so much (and reading your memories!) Thanks for your comment on my blog about the fried pies!

  12. Yes, you are blessed. About the only thing I have of my grandma are memories, which I cherish. I do have her old and worn Bible and what they say was her wedding ring. It is thin and broken.


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