Missed Opportunities

Hubby and I were both born in the old hospital, delivered by the same doctor, and both mothers were tended by the Sisters there. As we were born three months apart, we did not see each other there. Remember my $22.00 hospital bill? The room rate was $5.00 a day, the delivery room was $10.00, laboratory was $1.00, and the identification bracelet was $1.00. I am sure his parents received a similar bill. We started first grade the same year. Nurse Simmons may have given us our pre-registration immunizations at the same time. Perhaps he and his little sister were in that ugly green tiled waiting room as I made my little brother get his shots first. Did my mother nod hello to his mother in the hallway? I think I would have remembered this cute little guy. My brother and I played tag and caught lightening bugs late into the night with a gang of other kids while Daddy played country-western music with friends around town. Hubby's folks did too but I do not remember seei...