At The Lake

Mama and her baby brother at Lake Ludwig I have a ton of pictures made at Lake Ludwig during the 1950s. This one must have been taken either right before my uncle left for the Marines or maybe he was in on leave. I don't really remember going to the lake during this time but apparently we often did. It's funny (but kinda' sad) though that daddy is not in any of the pictures. I guess he was working. I do remember him swimming with us in the shallow creek at Kings Canyon. I thought I was drowning but daddy was laughing at me when I came sputtering up out of the water. I doubt he would be laughing if I were actually drowning. Going to the lake was about the only way to stay cool back then. We didn't have air conditioning and didn't always have a fan. I remember having a box fan that daddy would put in the window backwards and when we cracked our windows just a little, the fan would suck the cooler evening air in to cool us as we tried to sleep. Although ...